WWSF Prize for Rural Women - Call for Nomination

Since 1994 the Women's World Summit Foundation Prize ($ 1000 per laureate and $ 3000 for African women’s organisations) honors women and women's groups around the world exhibiting exceptional creativity, courage and commitment for the improvement of the quality of life in rural communities.

Rural women provide examples of sound practice in their communities, but still do not have full access to tools needed for development, such as education, credit, land rights and participation in decision making. The Prize aims to draw international attention to laureates' contributions to sustainable development, household food security and peace. WWSF has a commitment to award annually 5 to 10 creative rural women and women's groups around the world.

Any of the following elements should be emphasized:

  • Exceptional courage and perseverance in improving rural life

  • Creativity in the approach

  • Preservation of and respect for the environment

  • Continuing impact on the community

The call for Nomination is open until April 30, 2013. Laureates are announced officially in September and celebrated in their countries on 15 October – International Day of Rural Women.

The prize nomination form can be downloaded in pdf here.
Detailed nomination guidelines are available in the dedicated WWSF webpage.

WWSF is an international, non-profit, humanitarian NGO, serving the implementation of women’s and children’s rights and the UN development agenda. By highlighting and awarding creative development models, innovations and experiences enhancing the quality of rural life, WWSF participates in addressing the eradication of rural poverty, gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment.
