World Radio Day Trade Fair & Panel Discussion

WRDeventeditTo celebrate World Radio Day this year, SOAS Radio of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, will host the event ‘World Radio Day London 2016: Radio and Peacebuilding’. The event will take place on the 15th February at the Brunei Gallery, SOAS, and host a trade fair followed by a panel discussion. 

The aim of the day is to showcase the latest research and innovations in the field of Radio and Development Communication. Radio will be celebrated as a medium to improve international cooperation between broadcasters, and to encourage major networks and community radio alike to promote access to information, and free independent and pluralistic media. The theme of this fifth edition is ‘Radio and Peacebuilding’, in association with the Communication for Development Network (C4D).


3-6pm: Trade Fair

Exhibitors include SciDev, Prison Radio Association, Development Media International, Children’s Radio Foundation, and more. 

FAO ComDev will also be represented at the Trade Fair, where participants will be able to browse the websites and learn more about CCComDev and the regional platforms YenKasa Africa, Onda Rural and ComDev Asia. Publications and other resources concerning communication for rural development, radio and ICTs will also be made available. 

6-8pm: Panel Discussion

An in-depth look at some of the most innovative research using radio in development interventions worldwide from academics and professionals working in the field of radio.


Anne Bennett, Hirondelle Foundation
Carlos Chirinos, Africa Stop Ebola
Kerida McDonald, UNICEF
Francis Rolt, Search for Common Groud

To find out more or to book your FREE tickets, please see the Facebook event here

Tags: world radio day, C4D, DRM
