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Communication challenges in delivery and adoption of Saline Tolerant Rice Variety in Bangladesh

riceWritten by Mohummad Kamrul Hassan and Cleofe Torres, College of Development Communication UPLB

In Bangladesh, despite inadequacies in resources, the rural communication services (RCS)1 provided by the government agricultural extension office remain the most accessed and trusted sources of information on saline tolerant rice variety (STRV) among farmers in Amtali, Barguna district, Barisal. Public extension occupies a central position in the communication network of farmers.

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FCCM boosts academic collaboration on rural communication

GRI RCWritten by the FCCM team

Research and Capacity Development are two of the five areas of work prioritized by the Working Group of the Forum on ComDev and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM - Rome 2014).

FAO and a group of academics associated with the FCCM have formed a Global Research Initiative on Rural Communication (GRI-RC) to address the Forum recommendation relating to the need to build a solid evidence base and generate policy recommendations.

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Bridging research with global advocacy for rural communication

SarahCardeyWritten by Sarah Cardey, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development - University of Reading

As a result of the FCCM, a Global Research Initiative on Rural Communication (GRI-RC) has been created with members from various universities including the University of Reading. We are developing a study to have a strong first look at evidence and research in rural communication services, which we believe will provide the basis for more in-depth inquiry. 

As a member of the FCCM and the GRI-RC group, I was able to spend ten days with the FAO Office for Partnership, Advocacy, and Capacity Development as a visiting scientist. 

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Youth and agriculture: the Infomediary Campaign in the Philippines

infomediary1Written by Jaime Manalo, PhilRice Philippines

The massive youth exodus from agricultural communities poses a threat on the scarcity of future food producers. The Infomediary Campaign in the Philippines tries to address this issue by engaging young people to become infomediaries or information providers in their rice farming community.

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Capacity development: a priority in FCCM agenda

trainingWritten by Cleofe Torres, College of Development Communication UPLB

Strengthening ComDev capacity of rural actors is one of the FCCM priority areas for action, which runs through all regions in the world. ComDev is seen as a mechanism that can help bring about awareness, sensitization, behaviour change and enhanced capacity in areas related both to family farming and rural development in general.

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