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ComDev library

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technical papers

ict enabled[2010] This report was developed by Plan Finland to support country offices in Africa to apply ICTs more strategically and effectively to development goals.

The first section explains the concept of ICT-enabled development, and the reasons why it is important for development organisations to take it on board. With many ICT tools and applications available, the job of a development organisation is no longer to compensate for lack of access but to find innovative and effective ways of putting the tools to development ends.

A checklist for planning strategic use of ICTs suggests some key steps for the design process, and some questions to ask in order to ensure appropriate and workable plans ensuring that ICT use is both linked to real development needs and priorities, and appropriate to the target group. The report also provides examples (of both methodologies and experiences) to orient participatory assessment and planning ICT for development processes. Plan’s current development work with ICT in Africa is included as additional material.
cr performance assessment system[2008] Inspired by the performance-based grant system adopted by some countries in the world, the Community Radio Performance Assessment Manual identifies a comprehensive list of indicators as a measurement tool to assess the impact and performance of community radio stations.

These indicators cover all the key characteristics of a community radio station in terms of content, management, sustainability, participation and ownership. Underlying the scoring pattern is the inclusive emphasis given to community at all levels. They also provide insights into what could constitute some barriers and how they could be removed. 

Its simple and practical approach make the manual easy to use for field volunteers/workers of community radio and students alike.
c4dcom4devconcept[2004] This discussion paper was prepared by OneWorld based on a review of and reflection on existing knowledge, approaches and trends in communication for development. 

Although the main purpose is to provide inputs into the broader ICT4D conceptual framework of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the paper summarizes on communication for development intended as "people-centred communication, utilizing old and new communication technologies, that promotes and elaborates on peoples own development communication needs and aims".
UNESCO[2002] This collection of papers edited by Jan Servaes is part of a UNESCO/UNFPA orientation and resource kit on Development Communication. It is made up of 4 parts:

I. Introduction
Three general contributions set the stage for a more detailed analysis of the issue of communication for development and social change.

II. Theoretical Underpinnings of Approaches to Development Communication
Going through various perspectives in terms of theory, research, policy making and implementation, the contributions identify the key characteristics that define ComDev.

III. Communication Policies, Strategies and Exemplars
Various agencies have applied development communication with different policy bases, models and terminologies. Among the cases analyzed is FAO’s ComDev Group.

IV. More Complexity and Specificity Added
The last papers analyze the impact of new information technologies on community development, the role and place of the often overlooked community media, and the role of the mass media in conflicts.

Connecting ICTs to Development[2013] This publication presents a comprehensive analysis of the key findings and lessons learned from IDRC experience with information and communication technology for development (ICT4D).

The book is structured around four thematic areas: 
 - Introduction to ICT4D at IDRC 
 - Catalysing access to ICTs
 - Sectoral application of ICTs
 - ICT4D in research

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