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FAO Expert Consultation on ComDev: Meeting Today's Agriculture and Rural Development Challenges

FAO Expert Consultation on ComDev: Meeting Today's Agriculture and Rural Development Challenges

faoexpertcons[2012] The Expert Consultation on ‘Communication for Development: meeting today’s agricultural and rural development challenges’ took place in September 2011 at FAO headquarters. It brought together 32 international ComDev experts, scholars and representatives from rural development agencies, NGOs, national institutions and donors to assess the role of ComDev in relation to emerging challenges, and to identify priorities and strategic initiatives for contributing to agricultural and sustainable development. 

Throughout the three-day gathering, participants’ ideas and expertise stimulated insightful discussions and contributed to envisioning a way forward for the work of ComDev as a key ingredient in agriculture and rural development processes. This comprehensive report of the ComDev Expert Consultation outlines the preparations for the event, presents the methods used to inspire dialogue among the participants, highlights the main issues and recommends the way forward.

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